By Granny - 24/10/2009 21:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I was having a nice moment with my granddaughter as she was being affectionate by stroking my face. We were both quite content, until she said, "Aw, Grandma, your skin feels just like a crocodile." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 962
You deserved it 3 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heheh, that's kind of cute! I wouldn't worry too much about it, she probably thinks you're part reptile, now, and therefore ten times cooler in her eyes. You should have told her that.


if your a grandma your to old to be on fml

BVB_Army 0

How old is she? I can understand if she was like a seven year old or something, but older that is just rude. FYL OP sorry lady.

How does she know, how a crocodile feels? =D

Badass grandma? Lol. Wish my grandma knew how to use a computer. She just calls them "newfangled contraptions" and hits them with a cane.

How does she know what crocodiles feel like?...

The real question is, how the **** does she know what crocodile skin feels like?