By madisonnkelly - 06/07/2015 03:18 - United States - Dallas

Today, I was laying in bed facing my dad. In the middle of our conversation, I noticed he became interested in something behind me. I turn around to the sight of my mom lifting up her shirt, flashing her boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 527
You deserved it 3 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

At least your Dad is still interested in checking out your Mom's boobs after all these years.

At least you know they aren't getting divorced anytime soon


Some things can never be unseen. Let's hope for your sake that this can be.

No chance...op is scarred for life!

sonasonic 34

OP needs some double strength brain bleach for that stain.

Steve95401 49

At least your Dad is still interested in checking out your Mom's boobs after all these years.

You have to be really optimistic to see your mom's boobs and think "At least my parents aren't splitting up"

sonasonic 34

You're not supposed to be optimistic when YOU see them.

At least you know they aren't getting divorced anytime soon

Boobs, preventing marriages from falling apart since the dawn of man.

hahaha, too funny. I always make sure there's no way of my kids seeing, even if they were to turn around.

danimal_crackerz 26

Um.. No that just proves he still has interest in her, doesn't mean he doesn't also have interest in someone else

Classic parents misbehaving in front of their children. Good to see it still exists.