By Anonymous - 17/11/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, I was looking at the annoucements in the newspaper and find out that my boyfriend of the past 6 years is supposed to be married in 2 days to what I thought was his ex-girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 536
You deserved it 3 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a little shit. Make a scandal. Disrupt the wedding. Perhaps she might not even know about you, or think YOU'RE the ex, which would make it all the better.

"Does anyone hear have reason these two should not be married here today? Speak now or forever hold your piece." I do. I've been dating him for the last 6 years. Then walk out. Let the bride handle it from there.


the plan was foolproof but the bitch read the PAPER. You'd never see it coming.

Sunbolt 0

in soviet russia newspaper reads you

fckinbowdown 0

wow I'm really sorry that sucks. that guy is a complete douche

AriesAngel41288 0

What do you mean so and who cares if you got first! This poor woman was dating a guy for 6 years and found out via NEWSPAPER he was still with her! That sucks honey and I hope things look up for you!

What town do you live in for them news to be in your local newspaper?

What a little shit. Make a scandal. Disrupt the wedding. Perhaps she might not even know about you, or think YOU'RE the ex, which would make it all the better.

Or... She could just confront him and show him the article. Break up with him and let the other girl have his cheating lying ass and move on and find someone better..?

Darth_Taco 14

...You should definitely go to the wedding :D! Make a toast, and humiliate him. He wastes 6 years of your life, you make his wedding a complete waste of money. I feel bad for his fiancée. She'll likely hate you...**** it. I guess you can do the adult thing and calmly call her to inform her of the situation so she won't be humiliated in front of her friends and family. Other way is funnier though. Damn morality.

Or better yet, OP can tell his fiancee, and she'll probably be game to work up a plan TOGETHER to humiliate him even more than OP could ever do alone. Unless it's the ultra-traditional bride's-father-pays-for-the-wedding type of thing, in which case her dad might be a little pissed.

I think if the "ex" doesn't know the dad might be a little more pissed that someone cheated on his baby girl...

Six years of double dipping? One of the two women has to be an idiot…or both.

"Does anyone hear have reason these two should not be married here today? Speak now or forever hold your piece." I do. I've been dating him for the last 6 years. Then walk out. Let the bride handle it from there.

BikerMike 0

Just as I was thinking. Nail the cheating ******** in front of everyone.

"...forever hold your PEACE", not "piece" -- although that's a funny pun.

I agree. He needs to feel like a total moron. How one of you hadnt noticed is beyond me, but make it something he'll never forget.

johnnyots 0

I've never been to a wedding where they actually said this, I've only seen it in movies. In this day and age, anyone who objects has plenty of time and means to do so without humiliating both peoples' families.

Really? Six years and you had no idea? How?

I'd have to agree with #11. How?? I'm calling BS.

Um...does that make you the girl he was cheating WITH? That he had a girlfriend he was dating you on the side and proposed to her?