By Anonymous - 19/03/2015 05:01 - United States - Wentzville

Today, I was pulled over by a police officer because he thought I was skipping school. I'm 24 and we graduated high school together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 741
You deserved it 2 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is he still hurting from you rejecting him for prom night?

Moklon 18

At least you look young! He probably didn't notice it was you until he pulled you over


That had to be a little odd. Did he ask for your number?

Honestly I don't think that thinking someone is skipping school is grounds for being pulled over. I know lots of grown adults who could easily pass as high-schoolers. Unless you live in a small town where everyone knows everyone else. In which case the officer still should've known you...

#1 ... wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if OP was a guy too? haha

TallMist 32

#63 Why would that be hilarious? Who cares if the officer is gay or bi?

"Oh I was mistaken for a minor, woe is me" trust me the day will come when you wish people thought you were younger.

I once asked a 36 year old for ID for fun, and they seemed so chuffed that I had asked them for ID haha. I'm yet to be asked for ID since I turned 18, sad times.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

not really sure why 2 and 29 are getting thumbed down.. we shouldn't hate that were older but look younger! it rocks!

meliodafool_ 15

Look on the bright side. at least you know you'll look young while everybody else has wrinkles.

Is he still hurting from you rejecting him for prom night?

Moklon 18

At least you look young! He probably didn't notice it was you until he pulled you over

I don't even remember half the people I graduated with. At least you don't look your age. Does that count for something? The price of looking young.... I hope he remembered you in the end.

It sounds like a typical day for me. And showing ID in order to buy a movie ticket. That's when I met Netflix and we are now best friends.

why does everybody think that OP is female?

I only see a few comments that suggest they think OP is female...

none of them used female pronouns or anything thought...

Why does it matter? If OP doesn't tell us their gender right away, we can use whatever pronouns come to our minds.

No one did. You don't have to be a female for a male to ask you out.

JMichael 25

Did you use that as a chance to catch up with him? Apparently he's doing well.

#9 yea because everyone knows if you are a cop your life is just peachy