By Starving Ultimatum - 02/09/2011 01:55 - United States

Today, I was robbed while recovering from a robbery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 936
You deserved it 3 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

penelopecruise 2

Take karate lessons and whoop dat trick!


chilldude69 8

And that is why we do not stop at red lights in Florida City. And you should've told me you had already gotten robbed I would of let you keep your shoes.

73 Probably because, people assumed that the robbery took place on the streets. Not at the OP's house.

How do you recover from a robbery?...were you MUGGED or were you ROBBED...

simonisnotacat 4
CottonCandyCum 0
sarahbear1717 0

What dose that say about your Neighborhood?

"Today, I mugged someone. They had nothing. How am I supposed to make a living? FML"