By Rodrigeuz26 - 22/01/2010 07:26 - United States

Today, I was sitting in IHOP with my girlfriend of six months when she brought in her son of three years she had neglected to tell me about, and asked 'Does this change things?' FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 278
You deserved it 4 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shmikey 0

how did she keep that secret for 6 months?


what if they had a conversation in the begining of the relationship about having kids at that time. so she gave it 6 months and she thought he was a good enough man to be a father figure in her kids life. we dont know the whole story

either way, you don't hide the fact that you have children. That's wrong.

being a single father myself its hard to tell them.

Just because something is difficult doesn't mean you don't have to do it.

cerebellum_fml 0

Does it come with child support?

Peaxee 0

oh I thought he was talking about an iPod thing. like the iHome. Your life sucks

This is an FML for the kid because his mom is trying to find a father by bait and switch.

What you should have done, was say out loud, "WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR 6 MONTHS...WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A SON?!" Or maybe I get a kick out of embarrassing people that did something wrong.

You should have suspected something when screwing was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Oh and don't worry about baby daddy, he doesn't get out of jail for six more years and he hasn't really been involved because little Jonny was conceived on the table in the visitors room.

Oh my God! How, 6 months in to a relationship did you not know she had a kid?! Did you never go round to hers or whatever?! Man, that sucks! How could she not tell you?!

chadwick110480 0

shaister, love your comments.