By ifmlftw - 22/06/2011 04:03 - United States

Today, I was sitting next to a lady on an airplane who was very overweight. She fell asleep on me, and violently bled from her nose upon take off and landing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 087
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stick a tampax up her nose and enjoy your flight and her reaction

shoulda thrown a bucket of KFC out the window shell follow it


all4pooh 4

I don't get why people just sit there and let people sleep on them. it's rude. just wake them up instead of complaining about it

haileybug822 0

I gotta ask, why didn't you just wake her up? Were you afraid she would eat you?

TraceCase_ 19

A stranger bleeding on me = somebody had better find me a new ******* first class.

if it was me i would have pushed the bitch away

F Your Life for sure. Imagining what you had to go through makes me want to puke...dunno if I could actually put up with it.

doof234 0

that's what happens when you try to wake a fat person up by elbowing them in the face