By bloodless - 05/01/2016 05:17 - Canada - Grande Prairie

Today, I went for bloodwork. It's routine for me, so I was ready for the nurse to put in the needle and take my blood. It went in fine, but right after, she slowly pulled the needle out, then wondered why the blood stopped. She then moved it back and forth in my arm while I panicked silently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 306
You deserved it 1 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a trooper. I would've screamed like a little bitch. That sounds awfully painful, and this is coming from someone with 4 tattoos.

So what's the diagnosis? Undead zombie or vampire?


They used to do this to me I feel the pain..

I remember once I went to get some blood taken and the nurse who went to put the needle in missed my vein 3 times before hitting it. My arm looked like It was molested by mosquitoes x_x

I have teeny veins. The most I've ever been pricked was 18 times, and that's on my good arm. I was laughing and counting as the nurse started looking more and more nervous. Oh, by the way, it wasn't painful to me.

I have routine blood tests this is completely normal, it means the vein has either wiggled away or the vein has burst, pretty simple

YDI for not telling her to stop or yell wtf is wrong with you?

Oh yes because startling the nurse who has an incredibly sharp object inside of you is a BRILLIANT idea. WTF is wrong with YOU!?

I had blood work done yesterday (my birthday) as well, and I get it done bi weekly and the lady I had yesterday has to be new or something because jeez I don't think I've ever had someone have such difficulty taking blood before. Oh yea I also live in Alberta :)

ugh i had a operation 4 weeks ago and this lady did exactly the same thing! it hurt so much and now my fear for needles is even worse than before

suck it up! how do you think kids that have a serious illness like cancer feel? think that'd a piece of cake for them? btw- i have 14 adult tubes of blood drawn every 3 months. out of the back of my hands.

As someone who had a serious childhood illness: 1. Go **** yourself. 2. They generally put the more gentle and experienced nurses/phlebotomists with us sickos.

saffy66 34

Happens to me all the time. My veins are tiny and hard to find. I've had many pathology techs swinging that needle around in my arm to try to find the vein they thought they had. I end up with bruises and obvious puncture wounds. Not a good look, especially in my job.

theblondeone 16

As a phlebotomist in a major hospital, sometimes the flow can just stop in the middle of a draw (dehydration, patient accidentally moved without realizing it, etc) and it's necessary to adjust the needle's position in order to get the flow back. It's not necessarily her fault, though the adjusting is agreeably uncomfortable.