By fredfredburger - 25/06/2014 17:45 - United States - Imperial

Today, I went on a date with the girl I like, to see The Fault In Our Stars. She didn't cry, but I did. Twice, hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 407
You deserved it 13 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Watermelon2011 6

If she's a mature woman she would appreciate you showing emotions. :)


RowanSpirit 9

What if he was the one who wanted to see it? ;P

It shows your an actual human, You had the balls to ask her, and go see tfios with her, and you cried during it...

It shows you have a heart! Lol maybe she even thought it was cute and became more attracted to you.

I cried half of the movie and my friends asked me if I was okay lol

No shame in that!!! It's an amazing movie that WILL make you cry! Hopefully she'll like that you're sensitive :)

My BF wont even go near that type of movies, so lucky her and good job ! ;-)

So, what you're saying is, you like a girl that has no soul?

And, by the way, I'm 45, male, generally stoic and so emotionally even-keeled that my friends can't decide if I'm admirably zen, or scarily sociopathic. I cried during TFIOS.