By Code_Skull - 30/06/2016 06:53 - Netherlands - Vlissingen

Today, I went to work using the train. While on the train, I fell asleep. I woke up 130km late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 462
You deserved it 2 838

Code_Skull tells us more.

OP here, turns out my boss was also late. Coincidences like this are called "luck" i suppose. about setting an alarm, i've done that but for some reason i slept right trough it. also, dutch trains are pretty crowded at the moment, so nobody thought about waking me up. until the next post thingamading i guess.

Top comments

nonsensical 26

I had a habit of falling asleep on trains too, so I always set my alarm to 10 minutes before my train was scheduled to arrive at my stop to make sure I'm more than awake and prepared to get off on time. In short: Set your alarm! Every time!

Set an alarm next time so you don't miss your stop next time.....or drink coffee on your way to work so you don't fall asleep at all!


That's why I try not to fall asleep on public transit.

nonsensical 26

I had a habit of falling asleep on trains too, so I always set my alarm to 10 minutes before my train was scheduled to arrive at my stop to make sure I'm more than awake and prepared to get off on time. In short: Set your alarm! Every time!

How on earth did you manage that? It's pretty sucky nobody has the decency to wake you up! I've had that in the past, thankfully I've always been woken up at my destination.

In fairness, I'm not sure how anyone could have known when he was supposed to get off. People ride trains everywhere in the Netherlands and in most of Europe.

MamaChey 24

How in the world would people know where you wanted to disembark? Do you have a sign pinned on you that states your destination? I'm so curious now...

I normally get off at the end of the line so it's pretty easy for me

well clearly this person doesn't considering they missed the stop by 130 km.

Idk if you ever considered the fact that maybe he doesn't take the same route as you...

Set an alarm next time so you don't miss your stop next time.....or drink coffee on your way to work so you don't fall asleep at all!

theoldman 22

Start writing the next great novel on the way back. Harry Potter 100x greater. Actually that's unrealistic. Just write a funny Facebook or FML post about it.

That would be a great idea to post it on FML so everyone could get a good laugh about it. Wait a second, I did read a post about it on FML.smh

completenonsense 16

#14 was obviously being sarcastic, #18

In Canada, or at least where I come from, we measure distance in time. Interesting to see you do something similar across the pond! Measure time in distance.. Not as effective methinks.. ;)

tantanpanda 26

Really? I usually measure distance by time. If I tell my friend that it takes 15 minutes to get somewhere at a certain time in the day, they'll be like "Oh, that's pretty close".

If Han Solo can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs then I don't see why OP can't wake up 130km late.

Let me tell u something else.... in the Netherlands 130 km is almost from one side of the country to the other side, depending on were u are going to! Guess u dont think that way either

11, that's what I am saying. We measure distance by time, whereas OP is measuring time with distance..

I always keep my playlist enough so that it can only until my last stop so i can wake up

Missed a couple important words there bud... Lol

Intercity Vlissingen <> Groningen ? :') Really sucks...