By fartypeepee - 18/07/2009 10:48 - Australia

Today, I woke up feeling a tingling sensation on my testicles. I enjoyed it for a few seconds, then threw off the covers. Looks like there have been cockroaches in my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 442
You deserved it 10 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do u think they're called **** roaches

iSmellNice 2

lol cockroaches turned you on


amaneylandx3 0

you dirty shit; get off the computer and clean your ******* room.

odamn_123 0

ew wtf ? thanks for sharing... and clean ur damn room! cockroaches?? gross

ROFLMFAO XD @ JizzedPants! That made my day.

dude u got a free hand job by cockroacks, most people have to pay a dirty hooker to do that

Icalasari 0

Wait, why did you not check first? I know that, if I felt tingling/tickling there and I/someone else I knew was going to be touching it wasn't touching it, I would be going, "What the hell?" and checking instead of going, "Mmm... I wonder what that is? Oh well"

echarperouge 0
LinddseyyX33 0