By loser - 17/02/2009 23:33 - United States

Today, in front of the entire family, I yelled at my mom and told her she wasn't a good parent. She responded with "Well, at least I had friends when I was your age." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 002
You deserved it 52 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

freddie_fml 0

Uh... maybe that's the kind of comment you want to make to your mom when you are alone with her instead of airing dirty laundry like that in front of the whole family? You deserved that one.

toenails 0

People blame their parents for being bad parents but the question is, how great of a child are you?


freddie_fml 0

Uh... maybe that's the kind of comment you want to make to your mom when you are alone with her instead of airing dirty laundry like that in front of the whole family? You deserved that one.

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bizarre_ftw 21

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xxwitexx 0

this sounds like something that happend with a friend i know

Slim_fml 0

why didnt you just throw down with her. solves problems alot easier

Raven_fml 0

#22; The fact her mother even said that, proves she's a bitch and more than likely is a shitty parent. Fed+clothed+has computer =/= good parenting. I have all those things, my parents also abused me. But hey, I have a computer so that makes it all perfectly okay! They did a bang up job! Get ******* real and don't act like there's some magic formula that makes a good mother.

toenails 0

People blame their parents for being bad parents but the question is, how great of a child are you?

My parents literally laugh at how stupid and worthless they think i am and mock me in front of me because I'm not like my brother, who's learned calc 3 as a sophomore, even though I'm still in all honors with a's... I think they're the ones at fault here...

Yelling at your mom in front of everyone and calling her a bad parent? Sorry, you totally deserved that one.

elguapo_fml 0

who the **** yells at their parents? especially their mom! you deserve MUCH worse - perhaps a serious ass-kicking, or being grounded for 3 months (seriously grounded, not that "go watch tv and sulk" bullshit), or even better, you should be locked into a basement-dungeon without food for 10 days. show some respect you asswad, your mom gave birth to you

You're so right ! Or maybe she should simply kill him, she gave birth to him after all, that automatically makes her a great parent and that gives her absolutely every right on him.

Raven_fml 0

#26; I know that's what I was doing, I was just making a point. I was using my extreme as an example that your little "you have clothes and go to school" doesn't mean shit and definitely doesn't mean that it's out of the realm of possibilities that she is, indeed, a bad parent.