By MY fault!? - 27/04/2018 15:00

Today, my mom invited my asshole cousin to my daughter's 10th birthday party, saying that this is the best time for me to apologize for having him imprisoned 3 years ago. He’s the same cousin who held my daughter hostage after the cops cornered him in a drug bust. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 182
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I would not allow them inside the house or on your property and have police waiting on scene. There’s a line and they have crossed it. I’m sorry, OP. Consider getting a restraining order.


boopingsnoot 24

1. Change the location of the party, do not tell your mother (or evil cousin) 2. Have people you trust on the lookout for your unwanted guests, ready to call the cops if cousin shows up

ParkerM77 4

First thing I would've done in the case they held my kid hostage I would get a restraining order. Second thing, if your mom forgives your cousin for doing some psycho shit like that, I wouldn't even bother inviting her and if she shows up, don't let her in. If you don't do those things and your cousin shows up, beat the everliving shit out of him.

You should cut him off completely. Your mother is obviously dumb. He held your kid hostage. Yeah, don’t let him into your life.

Guess we know who to not invite for her 11th birthday party..

How come your mother invites people to your house? that's totally off. Time to move away I reckon, for your daughter's safety if not for your own peace of mind.

saffy66 34

Your mother doesn’t deserve a place in your daughter’s life, or yours. What an amazingly stupid and selfish person. Perhaps she should be locked up for endangering your daughter again.

Just, wow. Perhaps you should also be calling your mother an asshole and forgetting she's your mother... or possibly anybody's "mother," as mother's actually want to protect children from, you know, like, harm or death or sick people or evil people.

ladyscribb 4

tbh ur mom is ******* retarded

peithecelt 28

So mom & cousin as both banned from the house now! less good food to have to buy, yeah!