By Anonymous - 17/04/2015 19:50 - Argentina

Today, my boss showed me a two-page letter from a customer, complaining about me because I couldn't honor a coupon that expired in 2009. He agreed that I did the right thing by refusing it, but said it would be a black mark on my record anyway due to the complaint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 347
You deserved it 1 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In these situations, you'll never win. Damned if you do, damned if you don't! Sorry OP.

This is why I do not work in the retail industry.


So you get screwed if you choose to either give it or not. But your boss is childish about it.

magickiss87 22

It's total bull shit. So bc you followed store policy and a customer didn't like it, It's being held against you instead of customer being put in their place that you did your job as you've been instructed to. The comment should be removed from your record. It's the ridiculousness of working retail. I feel for ya OP! Had a similar situation happen to me last week. Either which way I was in the wrong, regardless if it was bc a customer didn't like our policies and me just following my training and store policy. People suck giant donkey balls!

I am really astonished that someone would put that amount of time and energy to write the complaint!

wickedhyype 17

Sounds like you work at target. Fyl And fml too because i also work there.

Well I mean he did wrote 2 pages means he might be pissed off really bad. .maybe the way you treated him?

phoenix3423 14

yep been there. the good thing is its not like highschool to collage. the mark does not transfer... I see you transferring a few jobs.

"Customer complained that you refused to let them shoplift 15 items. Sorry, but this will be a blackmark on your record because they complained." Sounds just as absurd, eh? I can't believe your boss is that foolish.

I wonder how companies with such flawed logic even exist.

This man became the manager of this business because he knows how to follow rules. He did not become the manager of the business because he's capable of independent thinking. Companies are way too focused on following the procedure without having that regard for the information they receive him being able to interpret it and process it meaningfully You were in the right you did will handle this well and disregard the black mark because in the end it's trivial and meaningful only to him