By Wolfrunner87 - 13/07/2015 05:06 - Australia - Broadmeadows

Today, my bosses were boasting about their work-funded retreat, including the $1,800 bottle of wine the company paid for. This would be fine if they hadn't just told me there are no funds to pay me for the work they've got me doing. We are also the biggest company in our industry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 386
You deserved it 1 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the company can afford to send them on a retreat and an expensive bottle of wine, then they can afford to pay you for your work there. Go to HR and explain the situation. If they don't do anything, go above their head.


In an ideal world, that would be an effective and appropriate response. But in the real world, publicly shaming the company on Facebook would probably get better results. Even if you get fired, the publicity is another jewel in your resume to attract an employer who actually has a moral compass.

...or, at the very least, it would be much more entertaining for the rest of us.

If the company can afford to send them on a retreat and an expensive bottle of wine, then they can afford to pay you for your work there. Go to HR and explain the situation. If they don't do anything, go above their head.

Find the bottle of wine and dump it on those assholes

XBurytheCastleX 25

Well, give their offices a makeover while they are gone. Wink wink

I don't think you quite understand. There is no wine at this point.

I would suggest to go to HR and talk to them about it. If that doesn't work, I would go through pros and cons for working at this company and if you can afford to be without them. That's just a really shitty situation to go through and figure out how to approach HR about this. This sounds similar to a friend of mine and they just ended up quitting and going somewhere else since no one cared.

American Capitalism at its best and brightest.

LuckBeNimble 19

Capitalism in general. especially considering OP is from Australia.

I wasn't aware that Australia was in America

Hmm, a few bad bosses, let's blame capitalism. You know they're still required by law to pay him, even in a capitalist society, right?

JackDupp 11

Yea cuz that socialism is working great - right Greece?

Well, now you know where the money they "can't afford" to give you is going

I was gonna say that. They certainly have their priorities straight.