By Picaresque - 26/02/2009 17:57 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to try anal sex. When he was done, I turned around to see him holding a strap-on with a smile on his face and said 'Now, do me'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 285 870
You deserved it 68 139

Same thing different taste

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SweetPotato 0

Go him! Prostate stimulation is great for guys! Did he like it???


alyssaax3 0

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Blame_The_Dog 0

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beasting 0

well #27 u cant get AIDS from a strap on only a penis and ******

yomama97 5

ikr? my bf is bi and he wants me too do it someday and I sed yes right away cuz it wudnt be too bad!!

anon2468 0

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SweetPotato 0

Go him! Prostate stimulation is great for guys! Did he like it???

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coldasbrice 3

you're so ignorant it's not even funny

Wow, #12. How's life in the homophobic stereotype world?

SarahStarzz 0

16 that just made my day hahaha nd OP ur life doesn't suck , ur bf is a keeper

@ #14, Keep telling yourself that. I'm pretty sure that Clay Aiken told himself the same thing. Whatever helps you sleep at night. If you're a guy and you're getting bang in your poo hole, YOU'RE GAY! Do what you do; just keep it real.

coldasbrice 3

so the girl can take it up the ass but if the guy does it he's gay..? the anatomy of a male and female anus are exactly the same. she said they she had just gotten anal from him. Stop being such a judgmental prick

coldasbrice 3

so the girl can take it up the ass but if the guy does it he's gay..? the anatomy of a male and female anus are exactly the same. she said they she had just gotten anal from him. Stop being such a judgmental prick

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proud023 1

It is a very narrow minded and stereotypical thing to say actually. Any sex can lead to HIV, which by the way is the proper term for infection, AIDS is a symptom of HIV not a disease itself. Consider this, the lead group of new HIV infections are actually women, from heterosexual encounters. HIV/AIDS is not a gay problem and continuing to associate it with gay sex is very offensive.