By reallyupset - 29/11/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend became convinced that I cheated on him, and broke up with me, saying he would "get me back." When I came home, I found his key on my counter and my cat missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 994
You deserved it 3 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What douche lord.. Property damage I can sorta understand but pet abduction is not cool.

ikickgingers 15

"I love you enough to bury the body." Run. Now.


Maybe he figured he could take that pussy since he believed you were giving up yours?..

Call the cops and animal control. Hopefully he didn't do anything to the cat. Dunno why idiots involve pets with their disputes, makes me want to vomit.

Instead of going online and posting about it, how about call the cops and get you cat back.

maybe the cat wasn't stolen. maybe its cheating on you with another owner.

mapwellminner 4

Oh noes! He stole your pussy? Well....go chop his nuts of and see how HE likes it. Don't mess with catz.

skyeyez9 24

Did you check the local pet shelters? He could have brought your cat there. Bring a pic of your cat and bf and head there. Look around and ask the employees if they recognize your bf dropping the cat off.

lalanelson23 0

Maybe the cat is at his house....ITS A TRAP!