By Anonymous - 16/08/2016 17:34 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my boyfriend crashed our car into the car ahead. He was trying to pull away from the traffic lights faster than the person next to us, a ten-year-old kid on a bicycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 679
You deserved it 1 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your boyfriend got the wrong idea when someone told him that bikers love to race.

What do the kids parents have to do with it?


Sure hope the kids parents aren't going crazy. Then again, I might if I was his parents. Hope your boyfriend gets some driving lessons!

What do the kids parents have to do with it?

Uh, because he's ten and can't take his own legal action for being hit by a car?

6: The kid wasn't hit though... just the car in front.

I misread the FML to where the kid was in front of them.

I think your boyfriend got the wrong idea when someone told him that bikers love to race.

I wouldn't be able to stand dating someone that immature, personally. There's silly, tolerable immaturity, and then there's people who do stupid things because they choose not to act like responsible adults.

what was the motivation here drag racing a bicycle or just trying to get ahead of the bicyclist I hate driving next to people on bicycles it's just nerve-racking