By HK - 16/05/2012 22:38 - United Kingdom - Haywards Heath

Today, my boyfriend got mad at me because I refused to keep him company while he took a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 998
You deserved it 3 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kickuwithmyfist 1
curtisv123 0

Should have made it clear you had other shit to do.


Mixed feelings! I find this disgusting, however this fellow seems like a fun person to know.

He needs some moral support while he does his business...

Well you should stop being so selfish and start thinking about other people

missedtrain 3

I'm sure he won't ask you for company next time he takes a shit.

dellis44 7

you turned down watching the browns go to the super bowl???

smorkmo 6

Uh, so next time you're changing your pad and the toilet looks like you've murder a small animal, make HIM keep you company ;)

kickuwithmyfist 1

That poor small animal...=(

He wanted to prove to you that he does in fact read just the articles.

KnightAngela1109 10

A true girlfriend takes it then make them sit in there while your pooping:) It's all about sharing the love!