By chipmunk - 29/10/2009 05:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of seven years dumped me because he said my cheeks getting way too fat for his taste and he didn't want to be with a chipmunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 682
You deserved it 7 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should love someone for who they are not what they look like.

but chipmunks rule! ALVIN, SIMON, THEODORE.


happysmartg 5

don't worry. all my friends call me a chipmunk for my cheeks too :)

txgirl09 5

Women pay good money for cheek implants...

booohoooo. You know he didn't break up with because of your cheeks. you been together for too long. he is most likely cheating on you. sucka.

Big cheeks are ******* hot. Unless they're big because you're a fatass.

YDI for hooking up with an asshole in the first place. There are guys who aren't assholes you know ;)

greenfairy_fml 0

yeah? you wouldn't know it from reading this thread. or anything on the internet. and people say how they really feel when they can be anonymous.

If you break up with someone you've been with for SEVEN YEARS just because they've gained a little weight, then you're a shallow jerk.

Be glad you are rid of him. All the rest of you show me your pictures, I bet you are all actually fat. Bitches.

well then just lose the weight and find someone who won't be so picky

No one can help that fatass's just aren't attractive. And don't comment all "No, they're hottt! Id rather have an average looking peoples with good personality than hot girl with bad personiality!" Would you rather have an average looking person with a good personality or a beautiful girl withh a good personality? And don't complain, you being fat is your fault unless your one of the very very small group of people that have weight problems. Cut down on snacks, and excercise more. Your metabolism will speed up+not as many calories to burn, so you will lose weight quickly.

Oh really? I am underweight. I am recovering from an eating disorder. But my cheeks are for some reason quite "fat". And don't anyone try to tell me that maybe I'm not underweight at all, I have been told by doctors that I am much TOO underweight.

-After 7 years he dumped you for that? It probably has nothing to do with your cheeks. -um, to everyone else, he didn't even say SHE was getting fat, just her cheeks. That's pretty weird, even for an asshole like him. -And I agree with cecilia_weasley, I bet like 90% of the guys on here who talk about how unattractive "fat" chics are, are fat themselves. Or just lonely 40 year old divorcees who got dumped and are now bitter about women. Anyone ever wonder why topics about being fat, etc, are always so controversial? They get the most comments.