By Anonymous - 29/06/2016 14:42 - United States - Pardeeville

Today, my dad might be dead. I'm basing this solely on the fact that he hasn't called recently to verbally abuse me as he often does. He constantly beat me as a child, yet now I'm kind of worried for the piece of shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 312
You deserved it 1 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kr1ket927 15

It sucks having a good heart. We even worry about the assholes. FYL OP =/

So pick up the phone and call if you are that worried about him... It may not change his behavior, but it might settle your fears.


Kr1ket927 15

It sucks having a good heart. We even worry about the assholes. FYL OP =/

I agree, but OP you need to decide if he's your dad or just the guy who happened to be in the room when you were conceived.

Sorry for your rough childhood, but we all have some feeling towards our biological parents, even if we never know them.

So pick up the phone and call if you are that worried about him... It may not change his behavior, but it might settle your fears.

Nyattack 14

Sounds simple, but most of the time it's more complicated than just that... The OP must be thinking of the what ifs : what if I call, he doesn't answer and I'm left wondering ? What if I'm mistaken and he resumes the abuse because I reached out to him ? Plus, with this kind of relationships, it can feel embarassing to still be worrying for toxic people ; so yeah, unfortunately not as easy as "Oh well I'll just call and check"

#11: I grew up in an abusive home. It sucks, but there it is. My grandfather went crazy and tried to murder my family. I hate his memory for what he did, but I can't let that hate consume me. The OP is obviously hurting, and there are very few options to heal that hurt. Calling his dad is one of them.

Lmoconley 4

You are right. The person that posted the response before this. Either does not understand or does not have the ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes, and empathize. Nice of you to respond in this manner. The OP might have seen your response and appreciated your input.

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That as the case may be, it doesn't change the fact that OP, does, on some level, fear for the man. His being dead would most likely be both a relief and a renewed burden.

Knowing that, I'm honestly surprised you pick up the phone when he calls.

he deserves to die.....sorry that was a bit dark

GoogieWithers 22

Sounds like you are a good person despite how you were treated by your Dad. Sadly good people worry about others, phone him for your own peace of mind.