By Googlebug - 01/11/2010 10:15 - United States

Today, my dad, who lives hours away, called and told me he was getting married. Today. As in this evening. Guess I'm not invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 191
You deserved it 2 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well maybe he isn't having a wedding.. People get married at court houses all the time and considering he's an older man, maybe he didnt find it necessary to invite everyone and have all the frills. It's him and his new wife's special day. Don't be selfish

Schizomaniac 24

You're not invited! Do I win?


stephanie0613 0

Your dad is a douche Op. FYL.

Well on the bright side, he called to let you know

perdix 29

Why would he? You are the demon spawn from that hellhound of a first wife that ruined his life. He's finally moving on with a woman who hopefully won't be as nasty a bitch as your mom.

FYLDeep 25

Must be trying to cut ties. Although it never says that he was married. Might have just knocked a bitch up.

Stop drinking haterade for a few days... damn. There is a great chance Te father just called op ti let him/her know, not thinking it was a big deal. There are so many possibilities to this.

I was thinking that too - maybe he just doesn't want a wedding party and isn't inviting anyone.

why do I get the feeling he's marrying a man?

Bloodberry and st0815, clearly you were NOT thinking that perdix was talking bullshit. Learn the art of sarcasm. It will do you well here.

Yeah, that sucks, OP. My ex-stepfather didn't bother telling my sister (his daughter) about his re-marriage at all. She found out after the fact, from a friend who happened to be related to the woman. ****** up thing is, it's not like they're not on speaking terms. They talk to & see each other on a regular basis, he just didn't think it might be nice to let her know she had a new stepmother.

Well maybe he isn't having a wedding.. People get married at court houses all the time and considering he's an older man, maybe he didnt find it necessary to invite everyone and have all the frills. It's him and his new wife's special day. Don't be selfish

Schizomaniac 24

You're not invited! Do I win?

Schitzo, good to see you back. But no, you don't win, you big loser.

Schizomaniac 24

Thank you. It's good to be back. (Isnt that what I'm supposed to say?) Optimus Prime told me to guess, so I guessed.

sourgirl101 28

Finally, I now know what OP stands for. *Yea and nice to see you back, Tiger fan.

Schizomaniac 24

You can thank the mods for my absence. :P Credit goes to Ignorance for Optimus Prime. I stole it.

sourgirl101 28

I thought you were only gone because you needed to study like a good little student. Little did I know!(:

Sorry, but Ignorance is wrong. OP stands for Outlandish Penis.

Atleast you don't have to make the journey there.

if you werent invited then why the **** did he call you. rape.

He's marrying a stripper or transsexual. Wave "bye-bye" to any inheritance.


Yeah! >:O I bet she forgot to tell OP's dad about her 8 other kids. hehehe >:)