By notmydad. - 08/05/2010 10:07 - Philippines

Today, my family and I went to the mall. We all split up in a department store to shop for our own clothes. While shopping, I caught my dad feeling up a mannequin in the back corner of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 238
You deserved it 3 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take a video and use it as blackmail!

WTF no offense but im thinking ur dad doesn't get laid much...


Blue_Coconuts 7

Or mommy doesn't put out...

1-or he could have been joking? but probably not. i think this is mpre of a mlia

I feel bad for the mannequin (sp?), your dad is creepy.

lol not sure bout this one..maybe fake..or your dad was doing a prank..or hes just curios lmao :)

LOL OMG! This one made me laugh! rofl this is by far my favorite FML ever! Hahahaha I'm never going to stop laughing lol

Jessi2487 0

ur dad needs to get laid.... seriously

MichieBabiie 0

You're Dad is desperate, your mom doesn't give him any. Guess is better that than actually cheating huh?

tomas12 0

was the manikin hot........,

FMLRevoluSean 0

At least he wasn't riding on top of it naked.

Daerauko 0

atleast now you can buy him something he wants rather than another damn tie! were the mannequin's nips erect? lol he had no choice but to touch! <_<

lmao that's so funny.. and really creepy too maybe he likes hard plastic better than soft human :-/

KiddNYC1O 20

your dad should log on to fml. there's a lot of girls here that need to be felt up lol

noseasmamon 0

#31 uhm he has kids hence he's gotten laid...

Maybe he was feeling up the mannequin because she wouldn't protest, unlike just about everyone else I imagine.

ticklemechantell 0

hha I do that almost everytme I go to Victorias secret XD

zakkyzebra 11

haha now we can tell how bad your mom is in bed

3son_fail3 0

61 that's also super creepy... hopefully atleast u don't feel the girl manikins

ticklemechantell 0

63: I ESP feel the girl mannequins XD it's fun to watch peoples reactions. esp if you act lke you're tryin to do it secretly =P

61, but how? I wanna know it badly.

ticklemechantell 0

xD hha umm jst look around and slowly lean forward and tke a big sniff. then slowly reach your hand up and yeah. hahaha that was awkward

38 - The little model pose you're trying in your pic is all fail. However, I give you credit for dressing like your mom and not like all the skanks on here. 53 - If you put on just a little more makeup, you'll fit in well down the street at the local strip club. A pole awaits you.

Hey, 72, you're a douche. They're pretty, and you're a creepy old man on FML.

KiddNYC1O 20
noseasmamon 0

leave brittney alone!!!!!!!?

clanceyrocks11 0

31... he did get laid, unless OP is adopted.

Notjustanother1 0

mizz Bebe your gorgeous any how at least he wasn't trying to look up the skirt

16- I'm not gonna lie, you're pretty attractive(:

breenarae25 0

omg I love that son on ur profile!!

luckyskates13 0

Totally right, who to ****? The mannequin or his wife?

WTF no offense but im thinking ur dad doesn't get laid much...

wow..agreed with 4 ur dad needs to get someee

wow..agreed with 4 ur dad needs to get someee

just keep an eye on him from now on, he may upgrade.

At least it wasn't his TWELFTH time doing it!