By waxinghorror - 11/07/2009 20:11 - United States

Today, my friend and I decided to get bikini waxes. Afterwards, the women who did the waxing told my friend it was $30 for her wax. Then, in front of the whole salon, the women points at me and says, "You! You so hairy- $35!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 575
You deserved it 9 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

riku3220 2

Is it even legal to charge an extra $5? You shouldn't have paid it.

niemann2006 0

option 1. don't pay the extra five dollars option 2. shove the hair in her face


riku3220 2

Is it even legal to charge an extra $5? You shouldn't have paid it.

dayslikethis1 0

Yes, it's legal to charge more because more hair means more wax and wax strips is used during the service. BUT she should've told her that before she did the service. Find a new waxing placeHunun.

Dashiell 0

They should make her pay more simply because she's a Jersey girl and is therefore atrocious and obnoxious.

How much really is $5 to someone in New Jersey? Is it really important?

#158 its not about the money, its about the fact that she said it out loud and shamed her.

**** you you ******* troll. Can we please get this piece of shit banned? And Sleyah, yes, that is why a lot of people come here. It's worse than YouTube comments.

lcsun69 0
lcsun69 0

@MsTs1 As a guy, I can say you're a disgusting "woman." Also, way to be pro-life scum. Don't force your unsubstantiated values on us - or anyone.

I don't think it's just the money, that would be really embarrassing.

niemann2006 0

option 1. don't pay the extra five dollars option 2. shove the hair in her face


cuterthanuthink 0

Option two is the ONLY option!! lmao!! Brutal!

TrAnMu 0

I feel she could've done both. XD

Caayouteepie 0

there should be an option 3: all of the above :]

lizziemcguireee 0

LOL. SUCKS. It's totally legal to charge whatever you want as long as it makes some sense, isn't it?

tubaguy42 0

i'd think they would have to come to an agreement BEFOREHAND on the price

Highway robbery. Should have told him to go **** himself.

tubaguy42 0

tell HER to go **** HERSELF. learn to read. and OP needs to learn the difference between "woman" and "women."

You need to chill with the grammar. What are you, a ******* English teacher?

tubaguy42 0

i wasn't correcting your grammar. i was merely pointing out that you don't know the difference between a man and a woman. and as for the of the OP, it wasn't grammar either, it was using a wrong word, which was saying something completely different than intended. now go **** yourself.

Look, I don't give two ***** about what's what, okay. Either way, why are you wasting time and energy correcting me? I made a ******* mistake, douchebag. Now ******* chill.

regenzie 0

Look, I don't give two ***** about what's what, okay? Either way, why are you wasting time and energy correcting me? I made a ******* mistake, douchebag. Now ******* chill. -------------- You missed a question mark in place of a period. Just wanted to help out.

skullbuster 0

Heh, nothing like poking crazy with a stick through the bars. And #132, why? Are you a teacher on summer break or something? ******* an English teacher on the side and trying to score points? There is a whole gaggle of semi-literate commenters, as well as many who speak/write English as a second language. We all knew what FML37 was trying to say, "****" and "themselves" made it pretty clear to me anyway...

tubaguy42 0

i love how if you call someone out for grammar/spelling reasons, you are automatically an english teacher. i'm not an english teacher. i just do this for fun. :-)

you made me lol so hard I had to join the site to comment. You correct people online for fun? That's pretty sad. Also telling someone they need to learn the difference between "woman" and "women" is correcting their grammar. Have a nice day :-)

yellowbee22 0

WTF? I don't think they are allowed to do that.

OhYeaYourLifeSuc 0

who cares that's ******* funny xD

laReve 0

People like that are so not professional and have no respect...the woman's parents probably failed to teach her any manners at all.

iwearfeathers 0

is it wrong of me to assume the lady was asian.

riku3220 2

I totally assumed the waxer was asian as well.

I also imagine her saying "You pay now!" afterwards.

mylife30 0

this is funnier than the actual FML! she is totally Asian!

I totally assumed that too. I didn't even realize I did until you mentioned that!

it IS wrong. most of us did it [me included], but it's unfortunate.

passion4soccer 0

hahaha nahh im asiann, not really racist...the chances of that lady being asian is pretty high lol

sammehsaurus 0

haha yeah, I guess I thought that too.. I can totally picture this whole scene with a short Asian woman yelling at the OP lol.

yessss! agreed, "you hairy!" gave it away as an asian with bad English :D

Vball6 19

Haha I assumed the lady is Asian

mehwhateverr 0