By jakeson12 - 24/11/2012 00:38 - United Kingdom - Dundee

Today, my "friend" thought it'd be absolutely hilarious to use my phone to text my girlfriend, bragging that I'd found a new "slampiece" and that she's "fukcin dumpd". Now I'm single, her dad keeps making threatening calls to me, and nobody will even listen to my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 926
You deserved it 3 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucious306 7

Never let friends use your phone. Sometimes they play around too much


Grow a pair, knock on her door and fix this mess. If your friend doesn't feel shitty about what happened, cut the loser loose!

sernarules 1

Move on homie! Im guessin ur "friend" did u a favor

That's why phones have locks now. But I feel bad for what happend. Give em a nice print on their face!

winkydog4056 16

Friends never let friends use thy phones

I wouldnt call that ******* sick son of a bitch ur friend any more!!!

Razzamafoo 3

I'd kick your friends ass if I were you...

nikkinurse 10

That's not your friend- he wants her

And that's why you put a password on your phone, it should limit the potential for that kind of pranks.