By TheHatedOne - 21/06/2009 07:26 - Qatar

Today, my friend told me she had a stalker who had been emailing her. I laughed, and told her it was probably some fat, ugly virgin sat behind his computer all day. I then continued to describe and mock the stalker, only to realise that I was basically describing myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 971
You deserved it 53 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so to start to change, the first thing you do is post it on a website...?

So your a fat, ugly virgin who sits behind his computer all day?


platypuscatrat 0
uLtra_attitude 0

And also YDI for taking your friends stalker situation and turning it into a pity party for yourself.

Princess_Peach56 0

No way! Your life is defiantly ******.

woodbutcherson89 0

"No way! Your life is "defiantly" ******." ... Defiantly... I think you mean "definitely" but serious rofl at the way your comment turned out.

So your a fat, ugly virgin who sits behind his computer all day?

so to start to change, the first thing you do is post it on a website...?

Glam_fml 0

Well, get off the computer and start exercising! Oh, and stop stalking people.

So you complain about being fat, ugly, and on the computer all day on a website? Get outside, take a walk, and tear yourself away from technology for a while. Your life will get better.