By notinflammable - 27/06/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, my friend told me that semen was inflammable. Later at night I jacked off into a sock and then, excitedly, tried to lit the sock on fire. Turns out, semen is very much not inflammable. Naked, I shook my sock in the air so it would extinguish while my semen splashed out all over my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 357
You deserved it 127 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

why on earth did you think this was a good idea in the first place?

You know that "flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing right? Inflammable things catch fire???


Ibeapirate 0

You idiot, do you know what "inflammable" means?? Try looking it up.

Potquats 0


MetalCraze 11

first of all your digusting second your a moron for not realising you can set a sock on fire

testing_fml 0

Dude, you're old physically old enough to jack off, but mentally immature enough to not know that a sock is inflammable? That's embarrassing.

YDI for retardation. 1) Inflammable is a synonym for flammable 2) The sock is still flammable even if the semen is some sort of miraculous fireproof semen 3) You should've known better than to test that

FYI. not imflammable = flammable Socks are "not imflammable"... well depends on the material but they do burn Therefore, it was no question in my mind that you deserved it. Like Hello? For one, backtrack and read your words: "Later at night I jacked off into a sock and then, excitedly, tried to lit the sock on fire." Honestly, why does that sound like such a smart idea. Easy it's not. Second, for whatever reason made you think this was a good idea. Curiosity maybe?.. idk, if you had to do it I would have thought it would be smarter to do it outside, y'know where you won't be spraying semen all over your room. And that way the neighbours we'll see you for the true moron that you are : )

are you a dumb ass inflammable and flammable mean the same thing, so a sock is inflammable

zzyzzyxx 0

Holy hell, I_hate_geography, you actually managed to piss me off so much with this idiotic spiel of yours that I created an account just to rant about how stupid you are. Maybe that says something about me but I simply couldn't stand to let this opportunity go. Anyway, we're not here for me; we're here for you. Do you realize there are, at best, two correct sentences hiding within the mess of words you try to pass off as coherent thought, and even those are questionable? Allow me. "FYI." Not even three letters in and already it's clear you're below average. "FYI" is neither an abbreviation nor a sentence unto itself. It's an acronym. The period you insert here isn't even optional. It's flat-out wrong. Exhibit B: "not imflammable [sic] = flammable." Wrong again, my special friend. It's hard to know where to begin there is so much wrong that I'll just start with the obvious. "Imflammable [sic]" is not a word! It's spelled, "inflammable." At least the OP got that much correct, and it's well established how much of a moron he is, so there is increasingly little hope for you. Also, inflammable and flammable both mean the same thing. Did you not read any of the 56 comments before you? You may have learned something, though I sincerely doubt it. Again, the OP at least knows what the word means, as evidenced by him excitedly (does it bother anyone else that he was excited?) trying to light his sperm on fire and being surprised when it wouldn't. (And a quick side note to all those trying to say the OP's a moron for not knowing what the word means: he's probably laughing at you all for believing he's the stupid one when you so clearly need to work on comprehending what you read, as Altephor first indicated in comment #91). Furthermore, the "in" of "inflammable" is an intensive prefix, not a negative one. I imagine you felt clever pointing out the OP's double negative. Too bad there wasn't actually one to point out, rendering you (shockingly) not clever, and bringing the score to OP: 3, I_hate_geography: 0. Wow. I'll only mention in passing the lack of a period ending the "sentence" and all but ignore the equals sign. "Socks are "not imflammable"... well depends on the material but they do burn" Even assuming the first "imflammable [sic]" was a mistake, because, let's face it, 'm' and 'n' are so very close on the keyboard, the second one proves giving you the benefit of the doubt is nothing but a waste of time. So socks burning "depends on the material," does it? When was the last time you bought a pair of socks which wouldn't burn? Is there some kind of huge market for these things of which I'm unaware? I just did a quick search on Google and couldn't find nonflammable socks, though I did find a nonflammable product to help you put on socks, interestingly enough. And if indeed it did depend on the material, why even bother saying, "but they do burn"? That completely negates the dependency! You may as well stop after stating the wholly unnecessary. Are what are the three dots doing there? They're certainly not an ellipsis. This is going to take a while. Onward. "Therefore, it was no question in my mind that you deserved it." This is one of the questionably correct sentences despite it still displaying your idiocy. You begin with "therefore" as if you have somehow managed to lay a logical foundation for what follows, a classic error common with imbeciles. How about word choice? Both "there is no question" and "it was not a question" are better than the awkward and arguably correct "it was no question" you decided on. "Like Hello?" You're missing a comma and only the first word in a sentence gets capitalized, with certain exceptions, none of which include the word "hello." "For one, backtrack and read your words...." Wisdom: practice what you preach. "Honestly, why does that sound like such a smart idea. Easy it's not." Again, you're missing a comma, but it gets worse. You're probably not aware, but it's common practice to mark questions with a unique symbol. I know you've seen it. It looks like this: ?. And, really, what the hell possessed you that you found it acceptable in any way to follow the first sentence with the second one? You're saying that his idea sounded like "such a smart idea" because it wasn't. I have only a three letter response: wtf? Geography can't be the only subject you hate because you plainly don't pay any attention in English either. "Second, for whatever reason made you think this was a good idea." It's like you don't have a brain. There are at least three different trains of thought here which all arrived at the same point at the same time, collided in a burning fiery mess, yet somehow managed to not explode your head but rather arrange themselves into an incomprehensible stream and drive out your fingertips. You lack even the most basic building blocks for a sentence, a subject and a verb, but I suppose that's not surprising as you also lack the most basic building blocks for intelligence. "Curiosity maybe?.. idk, if you had to do it I would have thought it would be smarter to do it outside, y'know where you won't be spraying semen all over your room." You would have thought that, wouldn't you? Now instead of staining his own belongings, he's splattering the house, the yard, the dog, and anyone walking by on the street. Lovely. Never mind you find it acceptable to use "idk," let alone at the beginning of a sentence, but you forgot your period! It is an acronym, after all. What are those two periods for after the question mark? More non-ellipses? "And that way the neighbours we'll see you for the true moron that you are : )[.]" Exactly how "we'll" the neighbors (I'm American - we like to omit the letter 'u' sometimes) see him? The word you're looking for is "will." I know it's similar but, really? Way to stay strong till the end, though. I was wondering if any one person could keep up that level of stupid for any longer and you proved it possible. I'd bet your neighbors already see you for the true moron that you are. I know I do. In fact, you're probably the only one who doesn't, or, hopefully, didn't. I trust I've enlightened you.

beeeetles161 0

holy ******* shit, you wrote a book.

i had to say thank you for your response #231. now i'm excited. definite win.

zzyzzyxx 0

I'd also like to apologize for saying "Are what are...." I meant "And what are...." I wrote this somewhere around 4am. There is only a two minute window to edit oneself and I didn't catch the mistake in time.

I find that comment absolutely brilliant; maybe even phenomenal. Great job zzyzzyxx.

kibblesnbits1053 0

Oh my god, you are an incredible person. I'm printing this out and posting it on my wall. Thank you.

alwaysalady 0

and this seemed like a good idea how?

Flammable is a word. You should have learned from the FML and used Google before posting.

Hilarious fail on all accounts, although i feel i learnt something.