By Anonymous - 25/05/2010 23:33 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting it on when her cat attacked me. I was pissed, so I grabbed the cat and rushed outside to get rid of it. Little did I know, her parents were home, sitting outside. So I was naked, with a feral cat in front of my junk trying to kill me. All I could say was "Nice Weather?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 808
You deserved it 39 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that really$500 gf=$1000 gfs parents seeing u naked with the cat= priceless

wow.. you are not very smart.. why would you run outside naked in the first place?! why not dress first? your not even at your own home!!


Did she not care to mention her parents were at home too? People never learn...

WYlacrossegirl7 0

there's a guy in my school that had sex with a cat, we call him geoff meowers (: I know OP didn't have sex with a cat, I'm just saying (:

perdix 29

Mom looked at your "junk" and replied, "No, it's cold and clammy." And Dad added, "And it's not going to 'rain' for a long, long time. Looks like you're in for an extended drought."

Basballplaya16 4

lmao, you should of said 'damn this house need some AC" that would of givin the excuse to be naked , but also holding a cat hahaha..

nxhxfufi 0

why is everyone against the naked part? naked is awesome unless you are cooking bacon.