By jfranklin - 18/10/2010 01:39 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were making fun of a photo album on Facebook containing pictures of two friends who just got engaged. I jokingly asked her to marry me. She said yes. We have been dating for two months. She's not in on the joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 043
You deserved it 50 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

A joke, eh? I have a feeling that the punch line is going to involve your crotch.


FYLwindowlicker 0

FAIL! Why even joke about marriage so soon? YDI for being an Idiot.

Because jokes are (supposed to be) funny and there is no waiting time for them, maybe? If he deserved it, than it is because he has a creepy girlfriend, not because he makes jokes.

DjeePee your comments always make sense =) That soon in the relationship, anyone would take that as a joke, unless they were much older etc AND Considering they were joking around already.... she's freaking weird for not getting that it's a joke. Conclusion: GTFO - FAST

your going to have one PO'd girlfriend now

errr yeah... say something before she starts announcing the engagement or posts it on facebook - THEN you'll know what awkward feels like!!

Elmarco8 0

No matter what you say, you are screwed.

Don't joke about that with some girls... or if you do make sure she knows its a joke. Generally saying "joking" after the proposal will do. Though you may have to accompany this with a look of humour or such a joking tone that she knows it is not for real.

why were you making fun of your friends? that's not very nice.

PrincesAnzu 0

that's what am wondering. could be many things. for example I know someone who met a guy on a Thursday, went on a date friday, got married Saturday, got in a fight Sunday, filed for divorce Monday... o.O

lidemocr 0

probably hokey ass engagement pics... not saying it's right... just saying its likely.

denvan 0

Run as far as you can after you tell her its a joke. She'll be mad but hey you'll live

WTF you smoke in the Netherlands. OP's girlfriend is a girl, and even if OP is also a girl, it's not uncommon to get an engagement ring if they were lesbian. So why does it matter if OP is a girl.