By TCRII - 19/01/2019 16:00

Today, my girlfriend came over, drank half a bottle of Jack Daniels and pissed in my sink. I broke up with her and went out with friends. I met a woman and brought her home to watch a movie. She drank a bottle of wine and puked on my couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 413
You deserved it 3 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seem rather shallow. First off, breaking up with a girl for that. Have you never done stupid stuff while drunk? Oh no, I guess you are Mr Perfect. OK, then we get to 'going out with friends and hooking up mere hours after breaking a girl's heart. But damn, then Karma kicks you right in the nuts. Bazinga, ************!!

Maybe look for someone who doesn't drink so much? Look at coffee shops instead of bars.


manb91uk 22

Nice to see you didn't rebou.... Never mind...

Maybe look for someone who doesn't drink so much? Look at coffee shops instead of bars.

Trolling AA meetings for dates tends to backfire.

You seem rather shallow. First off, breaking up with a girl for that. Have you never done stupid stuff while drunk? Oh no, I guess you are Mr Perfect. OK, then we get to 'going out with friends and hooking up mere hours after breaking a girl's heart. But damn, then Karma kicks you right in the nuts. Bazinga, ************!!

I'm guessing he broke up with her cause stuff like this has happened on many occasions and this was the last straw , but dude find different women that aren't all about getting sloppy drunk !

This seems to be affecting you on a very personal level, at least, enough to make you visibly pissed about it. You wouldn't happen to be OP's ex, would you?

tounces7 27

You seem like a real piece of work.

tarabella 7

I don't date so i have to ask, is it normal to hook up with another woman hours after breaking up with the gf? Maybe it's just me but it seems like maybe even dudes should want a short break before moving on.

WeirdUS 29

Definetly not recommended. Never known anyone that jumped from one to the next and had it end well. Also, someone that is willing to go home with you that evening is a bad sign in general. For the OP, did you picked someone up at bar after ending for someone drinking too much?

OP - I assume you originally met both women in bars and they were heavy drinkers. Well it seems like you got the kind of fish you were fishing for - Heavy drinkers. If you want someone without that problem you are going to have to look elsewhere.