By nomorecleanballs4u - 28/02/2017 19:00 - United States - Tacoma

Today, my husband received a package in the mail containing a bottle of billiard ball cleaner for our pool table. Yes, billiard ball cleaner. I can't get that slovenly wretch to clean a toilet to save his life, but now he's determined to have the shiniest balls on the block. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 823
You deserved it 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wayfarer912 0

Maybe you can give him the bluest balls On the block too???

Today I learned billiard ball cleaner is a thing.


Today I learned billiard ball cleaner is a thing.

wayfarer912 0

Maybe you can give him the bluest balls On the block too???

Those would be the 2 and the 10, I believe.

monyluv1 13

Hahahahahahahaha Jeezus! I just made everyone around my desk give me the weirdest look for laughing too damn hard at that!!!!!

imsofuxxed 0

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Of course there'd be the one dipstick who makes this kind of comment... Listen here, Captain 50s. Nobody should have to shine anybody's anything in exchange for basic human decency. When you share a house with someone, it's common courtesy to do your fair share of the housework. You don't get to ask for something in return, let alone sexual favors. So please take your outdated bs point of view and shove it.

WeirdUS 29

Don't mind him likelihood is he complains about being friend zoned and how he's such a nice guy. If he has someone chances are they have no clue about the garbage they post.

CBL88 25

Tell him that those will be the only polished balls in the house, unless he gets off his lasy ass and helps you clean your home.

I've never heard of using billiard ball cleaner to get my balls shiny. I hope it works better than shaving.

Maybe as his wife you should find out why he is spending so much time with his billiard table. Sometimes there is an underlying cause. Just my two cents.

jcash52426 5

It sound like he's acting like a child so you need treat home like one. Take away his billiard balls until he starts doing his part.

Get on that table and show him there's another use for it (insert bad pool joke about balls, pockets and cues here).

I love how this FML is worded! I laughed so hard after reading this. Sorry your husband is more interested in his balls than his living space :/

Everyone is suggesting taking things from him or deny him sex. That's petty and will only perpetuate the cycle. I would suggest actually talking to him about it and don't just verbally attack him. Lead an open level discussion and I can almost guarantee he will respond positively to it.