By Anonymous - 14/03/2015 16:11 - United States - Janesville

Today, my instructor turned up late to get me for my driving test. I soon realized something was seriously wrong. Turned out his wife left him last night, and he'd been drinking the pain away all morning. He ended up rear-ending another car, and now I have to reschedule my test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 459
You deserved it 2 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nesteremily 31

I agree that is definitely FYL. On the bright side you didn't get hurt

Heart broken or not he must've known that was the worst possible idea. Should have called in sick.


1jordan1 11

Soooo you're upset because you have to reschedule your driving test? Even after what this guy's going through, that didn't put anything into perspective for you at all?

Take the time to practice more , use it to your advantage

The world doesn't revolve around you. Have some compassion and get over it.

Why? The other guy obviously didn't care enough to reschedule himself, but instead got drunk and created a very dangerous situation for himself AND others. I have close to no compassion for people like that.

You think that your life is bad? Think for a minute how bad his life must be

Everyone is defending the instructor, but drink driving is seriously irresponsible regardless of what happens. He's breaking up with his wife, yes, but that doesn't mean he can put other peoples lives at risk. OP pays the guy to teach him to drive, and turn up for his test. He could have cancelled any lessons he was taking, but he should still have taken OP to his test. All he had to do was pick him up, then OP drives to the test centre, instructor waits for OP to finish, takes him home, THEN deals with his problems. I took my driving test last year and you can spend days or weeks leading up to it feeling constant nerves at the pit of your stomach. OP pays the guy to do his job. Yes, sympathy for the instructor, but he went about it totally wrong. Had he not have been drink driving I might've defended him.

that dose suck but I mean come on his wife left him last name right but he still shows up for work he's a trooper

His wife left and you're are worried about your driving test...?