By Anonymous - 22/08/2013 04:48 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my little brother grabbed my boobs and wouldn't let go until I pried his hands off. When I told my mom, her response was, "Get over it. He's a little kid who doesn't know any better." He's 14 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 024
You deserved it 3 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13
AppleJuiceBox 10

Sounds like a completely appropriate time to smack the shit out of this innappropriate teenager.


BDA_fml 5

That's why little brothers have noses. Give it a good pop and he'll let go to stop the bleeding

Here's an idea. Knee him in the balls

Sounds more like he's a little perv who does know better. FYL, and I recommend you keep your bedroom door locked.

I would have smacked the snot out of him! my lil bro did that to me once in front of my friends and the started making incest jokes... I was mortified!

crisanba 18

Oh my-- WTF! I'm sorry you have to have such an icky brother, OP! >.<

JokersHQ 21

That's really insensitive and stupid. He's 14 not 4. He should know the difference. Sorry you had to go through that!

No if he was my nephews age five that be one thing fourteen you're suppose to know better your mother is an iggit