By cazorp - 05/01/2012 11:43 - United States

Today, my mom told me she's a drug addict, sold my bed to buy meth, and then lectured me about how I should be okay with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 406
You deserved it 2 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First try getting her help and if she doesnt want or doesnt help if you are 18 or above move but you cant let her take you down with her.


BrittanyPernell6 0

If you are in fact worried about her health I'd suggest talking to a doctor about putting her in rehab. Shell probably hate you at first if it is against her will, but in the long run shell thank-you for it because you would have saved her from pushing her own self down hill.

Lecture her about the "dangers of meth" by using methods of torture. That always works...

whitey53 5

It's okay man, my moms a druggie too, just learn from the experience and do the best you can do. Don't make the same choices as her, best of luck to you OP.

hateevryone 14

you need to lecture her about what she's doing to herself and you.

If you're under 18, you can either try to get emancipated or go live with other family. 18 and over, just leave. Speaking from experience dealing with addicted family members, you can't force anyone into rehab until they have hit rock bottom and genuinely want to go. Considering your mother just tried to convince you that you should be okay with her selling your bed for meth, she's probably not ready yet. Make it clear you want no contact with her until she is ready to admit she has a problem and is ready to go to rehab. Maybe you leaving will wake her up, but you won't know until you do. I'm really sorry you have to go through this. :(

Yeah, all of this. OP, if you're not yet 18 and are stuck where you are, there are support groups around for kids who have parents or other family members who are substance abusers. You're not alone, there are others out there like you, and there's help. Good luck.

steal her meth and tell her you are a clepto

Meth.. Ohh meth, been up since 10 o'clock.. Meth.. Ohh meth, got the cleanest house on the block.... .....if you're too young to remember this song, fyl..

CallMeMcFeelii 13

It totally goes..shit all I remember is get these hairs all outta my face get these bugs all outta my place one more hit that's all it takes Ohh meth METHHHH.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Wait I just listened to it. Be ready for this haha. "look at me busy as a bee, where'd I get all this energy. Ohh meth ooo meth. I don't eat and I don't sleep but I got the cleanest house on the street Ohh meth ooo meth." hahah

Hahaha!!! Yeesss!!! That's awesome!! I kinda made my own shit up huh? Lol.

Snafuusmc 12

Wow that's harsh man you have got to try to talk to her when she's sober or something and where's your dad in all this? I'm afraid if she's a single mom man I feel bad for you man just keep your head held up high and just try to get through with her. And good luck were all counting you- airplane

now...turn around, sell her bed and lecture her about D.A.R.E