By badgrandchild - 16/03/2009 21:01 - United States

Today, my phone rang while I was home alone. When I picked up, all I could hear was heavy breathing. Convinced it was one of my friends playing a joke, I said loudly, "Get off the phone, you fucker, and don't call back!" It turned out it was my grandma. She had been having a stroke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 611
You deserved it 92 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ummmyeahhh 0

ok, bad move. but if all you heard was heavy breathing, you'd think it was some creeper or a prank. so, yeah, i understand. hope your grandma is okay.


nateb1tch 1

you do know not all phones are equipped with caller Id right? since I'm a teen I'd say the same thing. usually people call the hospital, not their grandchildren when they are having a stroke.

PrimeStarscream 30

As a person who survived a minor stroke, let's just say your thinking can get screwed up when you're having a stroke. I used to be insanely good at math. Now I'm lucky if I remember how to do simple addition on a good day.

alex_vik 0
ummmyeahhh 0

ok, bad move. but if all you heard was heavy breathing, you'd think it was some creeper or a prank. so, yeah, i understand. hope your grandma is okay.

proxxX069069 7

that's what I'm sayin..don't you know and recognize your grandmas phone number!?or do you still live in the 80's where there was no caller ID

Not all phones have caller Id.. even in 2011.

Ouch. That must suck. # 2 and 3 are idiots. It's not like he/she could have known.

iworryaboutyou 4
killa_chris 0

wow, that's ****** up. what happened to her?

CaptainObvious_fml 0

D: Holy crap!! Hope she's ok