By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, my roommate hooked up with a guy she met at a party. After telling me about it, she says to me, "Maybe next time we go out we'll hit someone over the head and drag him back here for you." Apparently the only way I can get a guy is if he's unconscious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 930
You deserved it 5 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch, been there. :( My friends have definitely told me before "not to worry, they'll just call this alcoholic they know, get him blacked out, and then bring me in and it will happen." sometimes friends suck... lol


it was a joke. get over it. us men say the same thing all the time

Ouch, been there. :( My friends have definitely told me before "not to worry, they'll just call this alcoholic they know, get him blacked out, and then bring me in and it will happen." sometimes friends suck... lol

Your friends are really mean and not funny. Wait for few years and hopefully most men won’t be interested in their empty heads (wishful thinking).

cucuto89 0


It was just a joke mate, dont take it personally. And besides, its better to not be the girl that hooks up with random strangers at parties like your friend, she sounds like a real *****.

SpottedStar 0

Don't worry about, my friends are the same way. She's probably just joking around with you or what not.

draccon136 0

Today, my roommate made a joke at my expense! FML But really, it sounds more like a comment on the fact that you don't go out with them than your skills with guys/attractiveness--a light jest.

So you want to be a ***** who bangs guys she just met like your roommate?

i_laugh_at_u 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL... :D, :) , :p LOOOOOOL. I SIGNED UP 2 FML JUST TO LAUGH AT U. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. loooool... the sad thing is that my friends would probably say that to me. :( fml.

JuniorBSTN 3

#8 ahaha ur a freakin LOSER

Agreed with 3... I joke about this all the time with my husband. It's not like she's trying to be a smart ass =/. It's a figure of speech.

I agree with 4, your roommate sounds like a ***** if she is going to parties and hocking up with random guys.