By Anonymous - 23/09/2012 11:11 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my sister stopped by to visit me with her pet bird in tow. She asked me to hold the animal while she went to the toilet, and put it on my shoulder. It promptly shat on my only clean shirt and tore away a good deal of skin from my hand when I tried to get it off me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 357
You deserved it 2 569

Same thing different taste


It's technically not an animal. It's a bird.

perdix 29

Birds are a class in the Chordate phylum in the Animal kingdom. Technically, you're an . . ., um, let's just say you are incorrect.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Your right it isn't an animal, it's a Pokemon.

How much crack would you say you smoke in a day?...

perdix 29

Having a bird shit on you is good luck. The bird was so offended that you tried to reject the lucky poo, it made your luck real bad, real fast.

My car must have lots of luck. Every time I clean and wax it; every bird in the area gets a case of the flying *****. I hate it when they re-enact the bombing of Pearl Harbour on my car.

perdix 29

#36, I just thumbed your comment up and hope others will follow suit. Don't you feel lucky? Isn't cleaning up the bird shit off your car so worth it?

Perdix: I admit I do lead a charmed existence.

Birds are getting more vicious these days

Improperly trained animals?! That shit's for the birds! No? Ok >_

Hitchcock's predictions are coming true!!!

And this is why I'll never have a bird as a pet.

olpally 32

Ouch! Time to go bird hunting... >:)

Duck season! Wabbit season! Duck season!

olpally 32