By why mom - 02/08/2016 23:52

Today, my straight, white, Christian stepmother greeted my black friend with, "Hey my n****a!" He hasn't talked to me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 434
You deserved it 1 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your stepmother went black, she will never go back

MetalxSoldier 26

File and if that person is really your friend then he would understand that it's your stepmom that is the rude one not you. Hopefully you can have a talk with your stepmother so she understands what she did and helps you mend your friendship.


Your stepmother went black, she will never go back

MetalxSoldier 26

Why add in the description of her being straight; if she was a lesbian this wouldn't have happened?!

kitkatmiaow 21

I think they meant straight as in straight laced.

I doubt it. I find it all too common these days for people to describe others as "straight, white_____" as if it's a bad thing.

OP was trying to indicate that besides being a woman, she falls into almost every "majority" possible that is stereotyped to be bigoted.

Like 48 said it's just about how those thing are typically grouped together as a whole, like the words Radical , Islamic and Terrorism.

MetalxSoldier 26

File and if that person is really your friend then he would understand that it's your stepmom that is the rude one not you. Hopefully you can have a talk with your stepmother so she understands what she did and helps you mend your friendship.

If that's her greeting, I'd hate to hear her dinner conversation topics.

Did you really need to tell us her sexual orientation?

I had a black friend in my first year of uni who was really open and allowed me to ask questions without being offended. I asked him why it was okay for them to call each other n**** and not white people. Apparently they call each other it to desensitise the word and make it less offensive, but it is still an offensive word especially when used by white people.

25 - I mean that's great and all, but what does it have to do with mentioning the sexual orientation of the stepmother?

That's double standard bullshit. It's a word. Grow up. There is nothing wrong with words

Perhaps your stepmother was just making a joke and didn't intend to offend him. Your friend is childish for not talking to you like you're the one that has offended him.

There is no way that anyone in this day and age doesn't know that using racial slurs as a "joke" is not appropriate.

the mother was probably trying to copy the other blacks that often say "my/muh n____". I hear it often on the train

Which is why "N****as in Paris" was a number 1 hit?

blink831forever 13

I don't understand the need for including your step mom's sexual orientation. I mean I'm pretty sure gay people don't just throw the N word around. The word fabulous yes, racial slurs no.

You do realize that in your attempt to complain about the judgement, you made an equally ignorant comment by generalizing gay people and their supposed "throwing around" of the word "fabulous," right?

Does that mean straight people aren't allowed to say fabulous?

normally it's the dads that do these things, but maybe your mom is just an awkward turtle? I mean it's rude and all but isn't your friend a little too petty?

The right answer would be "whadd up bitch"