By person_r - 21/07/2009 12:03 - Norway

Today, my wife is divorcing me because she wants to party more with her friends alone. One year ago, I followed her to Norway, where her family lives. I left my friends, family and job opportunities (which were very good) in order to live with her. Now I am shoveling shit on a horse farm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 642
You deserved it 12 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this is why you never ever ever EVER give up career opportunities for ANYONE.

triplethreat13 0

aww, how sweet, you gave up everything for her? she doesn't deserve you anyway.


Ligerie 0

So move back. sorry though. =[

And this is why you never ever ever EVER give up career opportunities for ANYONE.

Agreed. No matter how much you love someone, you never give up everything for them. If you BOTH gave up everything it'd be different, but when one person gives it all up and another doesn't give anything, it's just a terrible situation.

I agree. I love my boyfriend but I'm going out of state because I got accepted into a college that will open a lot of doors in my future career path. It may sound heartless, but my personal future is too important to give up just for the possibility of being with someone for the rest of my life.

#16 you're not heartless you're smart and if he truly loves you back then he'll be willing to put up with the long distance relationship just to be with you.

lendmeyourteeth 0

that suckss move back, you'll probably be able to get new job opportunities lol

lancerevo 0

That's why I always say. **** BITCHES GET MONEY

i completely agree.... MOB- money over bitches.... we never will be able to controll ourselves.... seriously stick to money-- it wont ever talk back

amazinggbaby 2

I agree with that money is important and I would have never done what this guy did. but money and never having someometo spend life with? mundane. it would e a horrible lfe to live. posessions will give some happiness but people are important also

heavenandhell 0
Punkpoptart1119 20

You're not funny..and you can't even spell 'shitty' right. Good job retard

triplethreat13 0

aww, how sweet, you gave up everything for her? she doesn't deserve you anyway.

well, you can always move back and start new.

noshitsherlock 0

well, how long had you been "together" before deciding to marry her and run off to EU?

Norway is not in the EU... It's in Europe, yes, but not in the Union

noshitsherlock 0

lol oops thanks. I was just going through this fast and wanted to abbreviate too. ;-) Thx

I just goes to show that women don't deserve respect or sacrifice or love.

Stephnesss 0

Yes, because some women are bitches. LET'S STOP RESPECTING ALL OF THEM. You're ignorant, really.

well, i find it quite acceptable as women seem to generalize men for every thing, as per equality, men deserve the same rights too, and hence we should be abled to generalize to some extent. and based on the total manipulation of this poor soul, i would agree to that she is quite nasty, and perhaps most women are too, leading to the high divorce rates in america.

Oh shit that's a bold ass, ignorant ass statement. Kudos for courage tho

I have never read a sentence as disastrously compiled and worded as yours, 65