By shakira, when the walls fell - 23/10/2015 18:56 - Canada

Today, thanks to pregnancy hormones, I cried my eyes out for hours over the guy who dumped me 9 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 551
You deserved it 2 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For those of you not taking pregnancy hormones seriously, it's the worst thing on the planet. -- Suffering husband.

If it were 9 months I think I would understand it better


That must have been a really bad breakup .

whatunicorn 17

Right?? but seriously.. Hormones dude, they can be a shit storm.

It could have not been tbh lol, hormones make things so much worse. It's like the world is against you.

If it were 9 months I think I would understand it better

Are you married now? Either way, that sucks. I am also pregnant and have hit the crying stage. I hate it because usually I am quite the unfeeling zealot.

zeffra13 31

Curious how that came up? You seem to have moved on.

There's not much logic behind pregnancy hormones. It's out of the woman's control. I'm sure normally OP wouldn't give a shit about her ex.

I reread my comment a few times and I never mentioned her not getting over her ex. And I also stated how hormones are out of a woman's control. What were you trying to correct...

addioty 19

Hormones. It happens. Congrats on the baby!

hey, me too! except I cried over a guy that's had me in the friend zone for 9 years. pregnancy sucks.

For those of you not taking pregnancy hormones seriously, it's the worst thing on the planet. -- Suffering husband.

Suffering husband to the wife suffering 10 times more

You found someone better but wounds take time to heal and at times never do

mamasquirrel78 2

It wasn't even about the guy from 9 years ago. Pregnancy hormones will have you crying if you can't find your shoes. There is zero logic to the thought process but it'll be something like "I can't find my shoes so I can't go to the store and if I can't go to the store I can't get milk and my baby is going to be malnourished and it'll be all my fault" and then 2 minutes later, you're fine and thinking of what color sheets you want for the baby's room, lol.

Pregnancy hormones are for the books. My husband came home one day and found me sobbing. I was crying over every person who had ever hugged him because they had held my whole world in their arms at some point. Yeah. It hit out of nowhere. I understand OP.

That's the most adorable thing I have ever heard.

now you have an adorable baby boy! that was such a cute story!

Oh, yay.. something for girls to look forward to when they have babies of their own