By birdhater - 15/10/2009 06:16 - Australia

Today, the bird that has been stuck in my roof for two days, keeping me awake at night, finally flew out of the roof and into the house. As I was opening the door to send it outside, it flew straight back up into the roof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 858
You deserved it 2 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait, so you had that bird up in your roof for that long, and it kept you up at night, but you didn't call a pest control of any sort?

Nofreakingway 0

Meanwhile on the birds blog "today I finally got out of the roof i've been stuck in for two days. I then flew right back in. FML"


wait, so you had that bird up in your roof for that long, and it kept you up at night, but you didn't call a pest control of any sort?

rawrwhore 0

lmfao, i would be pissssed. :/

i hate birds that smoke like in the cartoons.

And here I was thinking birds slept at night. I now can see that they don't sleep at all... apparently.

CJ090 0

I couldn't take a bird in my house birds broke off a shingle on my house n flew in my attic. Above my room and them come some mornings and flap and annoy me but I would flip if they came in my room ever since the birds the movie I've been slightly afraid of birds

there are rats or possums or something among the likes in my bfs roof. they are pretty rowdy at night. they have bn there for years. we call them the friends upstairs lol

alwaysalady 0

Once, a pidgin flew into my living room through an open window while i was asleep on the couch. i woke up screaming and ran outside. Now the two non english peaking Asian families on either side of me have started calling my "Mrs. Bird Lady." Birds can really suck

falon142012 22

**** that **** peta kill that little ******