By Anonymous - 23/04/2016 09:14 - United States - Redlands

Today, the CEO of my company wanted to meet with me. I was excited until I found out she just wanted to bitch me out and personally fire me. Later on, I found out my boss had totally shafted me and blamed the failure of a big project on me instead of admitting it was all his fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 158
You deserved it 1 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Well, eventually the CEO will discover that he sucks... He's bound to mess up again. I'm just sorry they didn't figure it out before firing you!


Wow. Well, eventually the CEO will discover that he sucks... He's bound to mess up again. I'm just sorry they didn't figure it out before firing you!

That's sad that he is unable to take the blame when the fault was no ones but his. I'm sure the CEO will find out what type of person he actually is and he will get what he deserves. FYL

That sounds like the perfect opportunity to sue the living daylight out of that company. Can you prove you did everything right? If yes, take them on. Wrongful termination or so, right? You probably won't get your job back, but it'll give you the satisfaction that the CEO will find out sooner about your loser of a boss and you may walk away with some extra cash.

ericanicole1 12

Yea cuz wrongful termination. Just make sure there actually is proof that you did nothing wrong though. Plus some lawyers will take your case for free and you pay them if/when you win the case

Those types of lawyers are very rare though. And even if they do, they only take cases that they have an excellent chance of winning. Still, if OP can find one and has enough proof ready before meeting with said lawyer, then OP will be perfectly a-okay.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

reminds me of the golden ticket idea of Michaels & blame it on Dwight.

I wonder how karma will handle this?

With a spikey bat. Wielded by bowser. After Peach finally told him that it was NEVER going to happen.

Easier said than done, but go elsewhere and make the CEO regret firing you.

The CEO should've determined the facts before jumping to conclusions. The boss isn't the only one who needs to get fired.

maybe you could try proving that it wasn't your fault? you shouldn't be fired for someone else's negligence.

thatasshole 2

Sucks you have to work for a woman... Wish the good old days would come back