By csc4lyfe09 - 03/03/2010 00:00 - United States

Today, while at my tutoring job, a middle school kid couldn't find a word in the online dictionary. I told him he could check a regular paperback dictionary. His response was, "That's what you did in your day. That's not what we do in our day." I'm only 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 856
You deserved it 3 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the new generation. They worry me. -_-

Lol... I remember playing that game where you saw a page number on the bottom of a dictionary page and followed that clue to another page with another number and so on until you ended up at a picture of a penis or some other sexual word circled... But yea... now I just use my phone to look up something... wireless internet is the best.


Ah, the new generation. They worry me. -_-

dudeitsdanny 9

Agreed. Especially if they can't find a definition online. Where even non-existnt words have them. PS: Paperback dictionaries bring back memories =) Most of them involving weird smells when you flipped a page.

doink 0

The old book smell is my favorite smell in the world.

im2good25 0

Back in the good old days.. :) .. Remember when year8's weren't 4ft tall and underweight..

Exactly Danny! The whole page turning sound is exactly the reason I don't support e-books. Plus, the smell of the pages has this allure to it too. I effin love books and that's the reason I boycotted the Kindle. One, so we don't make remarks like the kid in the FML and two, so we always have libraries. Imagine what the heckity-heck would happen to the libraries?! It's like that scene from Wall-e. Where that guy can't get over that he has to manually open a book and turn the page. *sigh*

tell him to suck a dick, and get over it xD

amart402 0

uh 12 or 13 years ago? that is what you did. online dictionaries haven't been around that long.

12 or 13 years ago would put op in 1st or 2nd grade. not middle school.

Monikabug 9

The OP is nineteen as in 19. The middle schooler would be between the 6th and 8th grade, so between 11 and 14 years old depending on which grade.

Monikabug 9

So when you think about it, OP has not been out of middle school that long.

how is this a fml? who cares wat a middle school student says

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

I'm 19 too and I remember when I was that age, we were told to bring pocket dictionaries to school for looking up words. Some kids had these little electronic dictionary things that were only used for looking up words, and I remember thinking that THOSE were high tech and took away the meaning of dictionaries. Now those things are obsolete compared to all the technology today.

GorgeousBabii09 0

lmao!! I though I was the only one

tell him " shut up or I'll drop-kick the teeth out of your mouth" and kick his ass

I love my Kindle. It's great for travelling or when I don't have both hands free. It hasn't stopped me buying books. I love the feel, smell, and sound of books. OP, get used to it. In the kid's mind, your day is over in much the way you probably think a 30-year old's day is over.

That doesn't worry me. To him, you're ancient! they have nobreal sense of time outside of comparing it to their own age.

Some schools still ask book dictionaries. So it'n not a matter of 10 years ago.

YourEvilHero 12

it is true tho I'm 17 and in middle school we used books

FYLDeep 25

Hit him with the dictionary and ask him how they do that nowadays.

hey, not every middle school student is that stupid. I'm in 7th grade and that insults me.

Lol... I remember playing that game where you saw a page number on the bottom of a dictionary page and followed that clue to another page with another number and so on until you ended up at a picture of a penis or some other sexual word circled... But yea... now I just use my phone to look up something... wireless internet is the best.

dudeitsdanny 9

I remember those dicktionaries =) When I did that, though, i made them go through dozens of pages then in circles. =)

xtwizt3dxlif3x 0

ahh yes those were good times

And dictionary races? First to find the word?

I usually got the "I just wasted your time" or something equally stupid. OP, you're seriously offended by what a middle schoolers said? Most are whiny brats. Get over it. Also, if you're going to keep tutoring, you need to grow a pair.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Haha the textbooks in my middle school were filled with things like that, usually you would have to turn to a bunch of different pages before finally finding the "secret message" (usually something like 'Mr. MacDermott is gay') or a picture of a penis. kids nowadays will never get to experience that joy.

Sounds like he was joking. Lighten up.

YayAmerica 0

This is stupid. His laziness obviously didn't actually make you feel old. If it did, you're really insecure.

so? are you afraid you're old or what? think of how your parents feel

Don't say that! I'm 19 too and I don't want to get old. *tear*.

I just noticed that my bday is a day before yours lol, your only one year older than me and trust me you have nothing to worry about, you look great

The reason for that is that some parents now a days just give into their kids tantrums, it's sad really because after they have been spoiled all their life they won't know how to do shit. And Moonfire your not a grandma don't let the little bastards get to you

You're only as young as you feel. Besides, getting older is better than the alternative of not getting older.

damn... I'm not too happy about kids finding paperback dictionaries obsolete, especially if the word in question isn't online...

trumpetGIRL12345 0

at my middle school we have speicial student dictionaries and they have words like playboy in them the deffinition of play is "a male who persues pleasurable activities for a living" (or something similar to that)

I have to agree with the rest, this is kind of lame. You can't honestly think you're old if you're only 19. So why let it bother you?

"Today, I was tutoring a middle school kid. He made a comment and I can't tell if he was cracking wise or is really just a moron. Either way I'm emo now. FML."

grog_fml 3

That's what my son would say.......til I took away his iPod,Blackberry,Laptop and PC! Then He'd be like.,,, Dad these pages won't scroll! lol!

arb1513 0

geez, that's a lot of gizmos for one child