By laptopsRus - 19/05/2009 18:49 - United States

Today, while I was on my laptop, I decided to take a nap. Little did I know that my leg was covering up the cool air intake underneath the machine. I woke up an hour later with a first degree burn on my thigh. From a laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 911
You deserved it 45 199

Same thing different taste


xO_starstruck_xO 0

aw omg i hate when that happens!

Maybe you shouldn't be such a retard. How does falling asleep with a laptop on your lap seem like a smart idea? Did you go to retard university? Did you major in being a dumbass? What was your minor, not reading at a adult level?

slutsstud 0

#13; Just because she said "decided" doesn't mean she literally thought, "hm, I'm gonna go to sleep with my laptop on my leg! I hope I don't get burnt!" I say, "I just decided to do this.." all the time, generally meaning I didn't think about it for very long first.

HEYbitch_fml 0

YDI if you "decided" to take a nap with your laptop still on your lap.. why would you do that? If you just accidentally fell asleep though, then that's more of an FML

liznmr09 0

umm you should sue the manufacturer...

takemeaway10 0

Honestly, I can't let my laptop sit on there when I'm awake. Invest in a lap desk or find something flat to rest on your lap like a book or binder. The problem is, binders get hot, too, and they allow a little air to pass through, but not as much as the lap desk. Feel better!

kbullxo 0

a first degree burn is to the same extent of pain as a sunburn. ydi and its not even a big deal.