Tough love

By OfficeHusband - 09/03/2023 03:00

Today, during the party for my last day at my old job, my office wife professed her love for me. We’re both married, we have no chemistry, and I’ve been dumping my work on her for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 314
You deserved it 1 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can’t help but feel like referring to her as your office wife in the first place may have been sending the wrong signal here.

f her life, kinda sounds like you led her on so she could do your work for you. YDI


I can’t help but feel like referring to her as your office wife in the first place may have been sending the wrong signal here.

f her life, kinda sounds like you led her on so she could do your work for you. YDI