Victim blaming

By Anonymous - 28/08/2014 21:16 - Portugal

Today, my demented little sister walked up to me and kicked me between the legs. I told my parents, but they just accusingly asked me what I did to provoke her. When I said, "Nothing", they accused me of lying. There is no justice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 123
You deserved it 3 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

parents have favorites. and since she's younger for sure they'll be on her side.

My brother was the golden child until he got high and tried to run over our Mum in his car. So, you know... Anything is possible. Also she felt so bad she bought me $4000 of furniture. It doesn't make up for 24 years of being ignored, but it's a start.


parents have favorites. and since she's younger for sure they'll be on her side.

yeah the older sibling gets a raw deal

I don't know about that. I'm the youngest and I got in trouble for everything. My parents seemed to learn a lot of lessons about parenting and got a lot stricter after my older brother and all of the shenanigans he pulled. I could never get away with anything. Of course, my brother sees things differently...

My parents do the same thing all the time... "Glad" I'm not the only one

OP should just beat the shit out of her next time. Sure he would probably get in trouble, but she wouldn't ever **** with him again.

I'm the youngest and i am definitely not the favorite. the favorite is my second oldest brother and my oldest brother and I are the black sheep.

Too bad cups can get uncomfy after awhile. I'm not a big fan of them.

Younger siblings can be such brats sometimes! I feel you bruh

My younger sister makes weekly death threats along with randomly smacking me when I am sleeping or focused on doing homework. I also understand what it is like to have a bratty younger sister.

You have more patients then I could ever have. On a side note I don't know how to spell the non doctor form of patients.

RedPillSucks 31

Wait till your parents aren't around to get your revenge

No because then when they are back OP will still get into trouble most likely. I say OP is between a rock and a hard place on this one

just make sure there's no evidence of what you did for revenge.

OP will get in trouble for things real or imagined, anyway. May as well be for something real.

My brother was the golden child until he got high and tried to run over our Mum in his car. So, you know... Anything is possible. Also she felt so bad she bought me $4000 of furniture. It doesn't make up for 24 years of being ignored, but it's a start.

It helps being the baby of the family. She will grow out of it!

cadillacgal79 32

Don't you just love younger siblings -_-