Warts and all

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff - United States - Anchorage

Today, I woke up from surgery to find that the chronic warts on my right hand hadn't been removed. The doctor informed me that they'd grown into my radial nerve, so impossible to remove without permanent paralysis. My immune system sucks, so this is just in my hand forever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 325
You deserved it 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had problems with warts on my foot - It kept coming back. I was using a Dr Scholls Freeze Spray. Years before I went to a dermatologist who froze them off with liquid nitrogen - decades later they came back. Then I started putting pure tea tree oil essential oil on the wart and in combination with the freeze spray it worked. I now apply diluted tea tree oil (25% tea tree oil and 75% baby oil to my feet at night. 5 years later still no more warts. Tea tree essential oil kills the virus. Some people are sensitive to Tea Tree Oil, so start with a little in a small area. If it irritates your skin try diluting it with baby oil. Be sure to buy the pure Tea Tree Essential oil, not a commercial product with just a token amount. Amazon lists it. It’s expensive but you only need a little.

azouwa 26

Most warts need air. Keep it covered with a band aid. It should shrink away and die on its own. It may take 3 months. Plantar warts (warts on your feet) do not need air.


azouwa 26

Most warts need air. Keep it covered with a band aid. It should shrink away and die on its own. It may take 3 months. Plantar warts (warts on your feet) do not need air.

WHSKitty 7

Use wary remove as wel as the Band-aid.

julfunky 29

Unless they had an incompetent doctor I’m pretty sure they would’ve tried this already. Most doctors don’t jump to surgery methods without trying other options first.

I had problems with warts on my foot - It kept coming back. I was using a Dr Scholls Freeze Spray. Years before I went to a dermatologist who froze them off with liquid nitrogen - decades later they came back. Then I started putting pure tea tree oil essential oil on the wart and in combination with the freeze spray it worked. I now apply diluted tea tree oil (25% tea tree oil and 75% baby oil to my feet at night. 5 years later still no more warts. Tea tree essential oil kills the virus. Some people are sensitive to Tea Tree Oil, so start with a little in a small area. If it irritates your skin try diluting it with baby oil. Be sure to buy the pure Tea Tree Essential oil, not a commercial product with just a token amount. Amazon lists it. It’s expensive but you only need a little.

Nikki 16

Also apple cider vinegar, that fixed mine when nothing else would but I’d be surprised if OP hadn’t tired most of these by now

WHSKitty 7

How the **** can someone click YDI on something like this? Smh...

Meme Queen 3

Weird, that's not what my dad would tell my brother when he masturbated. Instead he told some bullshit lie about hair growing on his palm, not warts.

Just wear a sequined glove on your warty hand. Turn your negative in to fashion statement.

There is a drug currently under FDA approval called nowarta that might be of interest to you. I would look it up. Sadly it is a few years from being available publicly assuming it passes FDA approval, but who knows if you could get into one of their test trials.

Ketogenic diet. Research it. Do it. It could change your life. It changed mine.

Mungolikecandy 19

I knew someone who had suffered from a wart for about two years. A good propolis ointment was used and within a couple of months, the wart had gone.

Just think you will make an excellent witch on Halloween!

blondie45 21

My son had a wart on his foot. Our GP told us to apply nail polish twice a day. The wart was gone within a week. Worth a try. Good luck OP!