
By Anonymous - 24/12/2021 20:01

Today, after undergoing a rigorous diet and exercise program, I was proud of losing 65 lbs in 3 months. When my favorite client saw me gleaming from my results, she loudly exclaimed that, “all life is sacred.” She assumed I'd had an abortion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 265
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would have been a pretty late term abortion to lose that amount of weight! And if that were the case then that would generally mean there was either a miscarriage or it was a medically necessary abortion. Either way, shame on her.

You should have said, "Yours isn't" and then strangled her to death with your bare hands. Ironically, of course.


If the client is not vegetarian or vegan, then she should stfu! How dare she eat an animal killed to be feasted upon?

That would have been a pretty late term abortion to lose that amount of weight! And if that were the case then that would generally mean there was either a miscarriage or it was a medically necessary abortion. Either way, shame on her.

You should have said, "Yours isn't" and then strangled her to death with your bare hands. Ironically, of course.