Wish I wasn't here

By I hate camping - 28/03/2024 10:00 - United States

Today, my family is getting ready for a vacation. My idea of a vacation is being on a beach, staying in a luxurious hotel, with cute guys and great restaurants everywhere. Unfortunately, we are going to be sleeping in a cold tent in the mountains, cook over a fire, and listen to bears stomp around at night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 254
You deserved it 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you’re old enough to like cute guys and great restaurants, you’re old enough to stay home if you want.

OP, it sounds like your idea of a vacation costs a lot more money than camping. When you have your own income and are living on your own you can do it your way… In the meantime try camping - You just might like it after all.


OP, it sounds like your idea of a vacation costs a lot more money than camping. When you have your own income and are living on your own you can do it your way… In the meantime try camping - You just might like it after all.

If you’re old enough to like cute guys and great restaurants, you’re old enough to stay home if you want.

Entitled much? as Chazzster noted, Camping is more affordable, especially for larger families. But it also gets you to places hotels never will. Tye beauty of this world is not solely in 6-pack abs and jogging pants. Besides that, think of what all your parents do and put up with at work throughout the year, and how they come home to spoiled kids (I spoil my family too) who are addicted to the plugged in world. take a teen vogue, a harlequin novel and your favorite toy and enjoy the natural world around you. You may just see a beautiful sunrise/sunset or meet a cute boyscout who wants to be a park ranger. boys stuck on their phones by the pool get fat. and you rarely see a fat 90 year old (healthy people live longer).

Stop watching 'influencers' and get to know your family. Trust me, you will regret not doing so when you get older.

boilerdude 4

Pay for your own vacation then. You sound spoiled as ****