You wanker!

By Anonymous - 06/10/2019 22:00

Today, my brother arrived at the cabin we’re staying at on a trip. He insisted he got the bed I chose. My father responded, "You wouldn’t want the bed if you knew what he did in it last night." I laughed until I realized there's a mirror where he could've easily seen "what I did last night." FML
I agree, your life sucks 935
You deserved it 2 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be honest you deserve it for not making sure that you’re totally private

Were you jacking it with the door open, and a well-placed mirror was able to afford your dad an accidental peek, or are you sharing a room with your dad, and you thought you were knocking one out on the sly, but the mirror let your dad see? Either way, keep your hands above your waist until you're guaranteed alone time. You can have a YDI to mourn over in the meantime.


To be honest you deserve it for not making sure that you’re totally private

Were you jacking it with the door open, and a well-placed mirror was able to afford your dad an accidental peek, or are you sharing a room with your dad, and you thought you were knocking one out on the sly, but the mirror let your dad see? Either way, keep your hands above your waist until you're guaranteed alone time. You can have a YDI to mourn over in the meantime.

lukecandoit 5

the room was an odd shape, and had a glass door. the bed was around the corner from the door, so you couldn’t see from outside. but there was a mirror in which you could look through the door and into the bed which wasn’t aware of. it couldn’t have seen much but knew what happened..

Really? at my peak, I could "Hold off" for a few days. Get some self control, you won't die If you go a week without, or do it in the privacy of the shower like everybody else,